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Who Stays? Factors Affecting the Retention Period of Substance Abusers in Faith-Based Residential Treatment Centers
韓意慈(Yih-Tsu Hahn) ; 巫麗雪(Li-Hsueh Wu) ; 張容菱(Rong-Ling Chang)
關鍵詞 Key words : 戒癮復元 ; 社會支持 ; 成癮物質 ; 性別 ; 精神疾病共病 ; Substance Abuse Treatment Recovery ; Social Support ; Substance Use Disorder (SUD) ; Gender ; Co-occurring Disorders
DOI: 10.30074/FJMH.202312_36(4).0002
P.361 - 385



In medium- and long-term addiction rehabilitation service centers, leaving the center halfway through the program means service interruption, which may impede the follow-up recovery effect. In the past, most research on addiction recovery in Taiwan came from prisons; little data came from private units that reflect the real situations of substance abusers. Purpose: To further explore the plight and needs of those who leave centers midway through treatment, we examined the cases of patients who entered a faith-based addiction treatment center in Taiwan in order to analyze the correlation between the length of their detention period and personal and family factors. Methods: We obtained a dataset from social workers' records for 171 clients from 2013 to 2019, and applied a multinomial logistic regression model to examine the relationship between the length of treatment and information such as addictive substances, support systems, living arrangements, and mental illness. Results: Males, younger people, use of sedative-type substances, and people with support from siblings or relatives tended to stay longer in the center. Those with parents who lived with them before moving in to the treatment center tended to leave early. People with mental illness also had a reduced chance of completing treatment. Conclusion: Undiagnosed mental health problems are an issue for both men and women, but it is an especially important reason for leaving treatment for women. For such women, the assistance of social support resources such as relatives and related economic and family arrangements can help to prolong the recovery period at a faith-based treatment center. Due to the factors associated with service interruption identified in this study, we recommend that policy makers pay attention to the needs of those who have left before completing treatment, and work on integrating and bridging multiple service arrangements so as to facilitate the overall effectiveness of addiction treatment. 




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